Sunday, 24 April 2011

What Shade Are You?

Society likes to keep everything simple... It makes us feel safe. But the human psychee is so complex, is it really possible to break down sexuality into black and white? We grow up surrounded by images of what's "normal" and when we start to feel something other than that, we either try to deny and surpress those feelings, or we push to the other extreme of the pole and find confort in an identity there. But aren't there a million other shades of grey in the sprectrum between black & white, or gay and straight?
Although it is widely accepted in a woman, bisexuality in a man is much more of a taboo subject, and is often dismissed by both gay and straight people alike. I have to say, I feel absolutely comfortable in my sexuality as a gay man, and could not see myself in a relationship with a woman... But recently I found myself in a threesome with a man (also gay) and a woman. It was totally unplanned, and definitely aided by the copious amounts of champagne & tequila consumed; but in the moment I let go to what was happening, and absolutely enjoyed myself.
By the time morning came, and I had sobered up, I did feel a moment of embarassment and regret about what happened, feeling again the pressures of society to fall into a certain stereotype. But instead of hold onto that, we laughed about it, and here I am writing about it. I wonder how much freer we would all feel about sexuality if we weren't imposed certain standards as normaily? What shade would you fall into?

Citizen Kane.

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