Monday, 23 May 2011

Chimie Phisique

As it has been sung, over and over, romance comes down to chemistry. It doesn't matter how good someone is on paper, and how strong that initial physical attraction was, if the chemistry wasn't there on day 1, it ain't coming!! So after 6-7 weeks of seeing Mr Vanilla, I've realised that spark in the bedroom just isn't getting any stronger, and my attentions are wondering. So much so that before I get round to seeing him Friday, to break the news... I already have another date lined up Thursday evening! Now, with this guy there is SUPER chemistry. I saw him a couple of weeks ago in a bar and couldn't stop looking at him, with these glowing spirited eyes, and a smile that took over all his face. Then this Thursday, fate would have him out for drinks with a group of friends, one of whom I know very well. He introduced us, and literally in the space of 5 seconds we were engaged in forget-everyone-else-in-the-room conversation for half an hour... Until I remembered that I was actually there with Mr Vanilla, waiting for me at the bar like the lovely, sweet little puppy he is. Sweet and boring. The next day a little facebook stalking, with the help of our mutual friend, and we were FB friends too, and planning our drinks for this week. I am looking forward to some hot passionate kissing, and then some! Oh yes.

Citizen Kane.

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