Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Awkward Endings.

It's been a week of awkward endings..... First Mr Vanilla. He took it worse than I thought he would, thinking that if I didn't feel the chemistry he wouldn't either (isn't it a two way thing?!). He was very upset, and at my suggestion of pursuing a friendship instead as I genuinely do enjoy his company in a platonic way, again he wasn't in agreement.
Fast forward 3 days.... I was going for my monthly ayurvedic massage, same guy, same clinic, different ending. I had obviously noticed he was gay, and when tonights massage got a little more sensual than before, and I didn't object, I let him take me all the way so to speak. But what is in the moment a very happy ending to a lovely hour and a half, is actually rather awkward 15 seconds later. Being the first time this has happened to me I wasn't sure how to act after; are you meant to acknowledge it? Tip? I chose to pretend like nothing happened.

Citizen Kane.